Cosmetic Surgery 101 - Complimentary Consult

Welcome to our Cosmetic Surgery 101 
Complimentary Consultation

Divine Lily Silhouette introduces an amazing addition to our range of services.  This complimentary consultation is meticulously crafted to guide and support you as you embark on your cosmetic journey, ensuring an informed experience.

We will dive into the post-surgery experience, covering topics such as expectations in the days following your procedure, essential and recommended supplies, effective budgeting for your post-op care, the significance of services, and the importance of proper aftercare. Additionally, we will guide you in selecting vendors for post-operative shapewear and explore various aspects that contribute to a successful recovery and enhanced results.

To book your FREE consultation, send us an email at: 

Launching Soon:
Exclusive "All in One" Kit

Stay tuned for the launch of our specially curated kit, designed to make your cosmetic surgery journey hassle-free. From pre-op to post-op, everything you need in one convenient package!


All the information provided is based on our recommendations. Our extensive experience working with post-op patients has given us valuable insights. Over the years, we have encountered numerous post-op situations, our experience has transformed into a commitment to keeping all our clients well-informed. Our goal is to offer preventive guidance and education, recognizing that not everyone conducts thorough research before undergoing these procedures. We believe that sharing our knowledge can empower individuals to make informed decisions about their cosmetic journeys.